Voce Meeting- minutes 31.1.08

Present: Margaret, Andrew, Brian, Marion, Catherine, Ritamay, Loretto, Rebeka, Kent

1. Workshop. Jen Bergstrom and Jason Goopy (new voice teacher at St Mary’s and recent UQ graduate) will facilitate a workshop on Saturday 1 March. Jen will be facilitator for whole day while Jason will do 2 hour session

Action: a) Ritamay and Catherine will contact Choral Society and Lourdes etc. about halls.

Action: b) Kent will contact Paddy/Goondiwindi to invite them to attend

Action: c) Margaret will contact Jen about content and ask Jen to talk to Jason

Action: d) Media – Marion to put information about workshop on web site and negotiate/delegate contacting Chronicle

2. Presentation to Catherine for her hard work last year as Treasurer and as a bribe to continue it this year – Catherine graciously agreed to continue this year

3. Performances:
Anzac Day – Friday April 25th – performance at RSL Westhaven Village and lunch at Picnic Point following

b) Spring Sing – Saturday 13th September

c) Big Sing – probably 26th October

d) Christmas Tree Festival – Wednesday 10th December – ½hr

e) Jazz Club – middle of the year

4. Repertoire:
Margaret looking at new songs and revisiting some old songs (eg. Cloud’s Veil, Keep Your Lamps, Ni Yet Neni – Hebrew Song), some songs for men etc

5. Kent will send email about first rehearsal, new terms, workshop and nibblies to all members on old list and remind them to subscribe to web site.

6. Kent to send old email list to Marion to check who is subscribed and who isn’t and then to subscribe those who haven’t

Next meeting: Wednesday 23rd April – @ Brian’s

Minutes of Voce Meeting – August 9th

VOCE Meeting – 8th August 2007 

Present:  Marion, Andrew, Rebeka, Margaret,Ritamay, Kent

1.Spring Sing:

·         Goondiwindi Choir has confirmed they are coming – Action: 

Kent will send flyer to Paddy and ask him for pieces that they will be performing to include in concert program·         Flyer:  Action: 

Marion will send flyer to all members for advertise the Spring Sing
·         Women In Harmony Choir to be invited to workshop and perform – Action:  Ritamay will contact Elaine Coates/Conductor and invite choir to participate and perform and to provide names of pieces to perform for program·         Collecting money on the day – any volunteers?  Action:  To be raised at next rehearsal with request for volunteers·         RSVP for attendance by Choirbolical members:  Action:  At next rehearsal Choirbolical members will be asked to confirm whether they will be available to perform at the Spring Sing·         Workshop:  Action:  Margaret will liaise with James about details of the workshop and ask him for pieces to be performed for a concert program·         Advertising:  :  Action:  Ritamay will contact Editor of the Chronicle to request publicity through the paper·         What to wear:  To be decided at next rehearsal 

  1. Combined Concert With Toowoomba Concert Band

Margaret has been contacted by Dennis MacDonnell, Conductor of Toowoomba Concert Band, to participate in a combined concert with the band.  Action:  Margaret will contact him. 

  1. Website

Marion will send out details again to all members to subscribe to website – once subscribed members will automatically receive all notices/emails/minutes etc.  This means that the email list will be phased out by the end of this term. 

  1. Men’s Songs

Kent will email Anthony West and ask for a copy of “All Day All Night” 

  1. Our Repertoire for Spring Sing 
  • African songs – Siyahamba, Freedom is Coming

  • Pastyme
  • Your Shining Eyes
  • Three Blind Mice (maybe)
  • Women:  My Johnny’s Gone for a Soldier
  • Men:  To be decided

VOCE Meeting


Present: Marion, Andrew, Brian, Rebeka, Ritamay, Catherine, Di, Kent

Apologies: Margaret

1. Web Site. We had a guided tour through the new web site (which this is now posted on)

2. Finances. We currently have a healthy balance. All accounts have been paid except for the construction of this web site. Once an invoice is received we can pay this. Kent will pay for hire of venue for Spring Sing and be reimbursed for that on the day.

3. Spring Sing. Choral Hall has been booked for Spring Sing for whole day. James Cuskelly will conduct workshop – Kent will double-check his availability. Marion will prepare flyer.

4. Christmas Lights Carols. Check with Choirbolical members and Margaret next rehearsal whether we have enough people available – it could be a really good chance to get up and sing some Christmas songs/carols together in public.