SPRING SING – coming soon

Meanwhile…. we have a wonderful team of enthusiastic people organising our upcoming SPRING SING. This will be a great day of getting together to make music. Registrations are now open. The following details are permanently located under our EVENTS tab. Please check out the gorgeous poster and pass it on to anyone you think might like to join us.

Spring Sing 2021  – Saturday 9th October Highfields S.S 8.30am – Registration & Workshops presented by Graeme Morten & Morgan Chalmers  2.45pm Concert.

Further details – see poster Spring-Sing2021-Flyer2

RSVP essential via Spring Sing Forms below. Fill out your details to register & pay: Choirbolical Spring Sing BSB 633000  Account 120540877 (Choirbolical folk – remember you may have a credit from cancelled Tenterfield event)

Individual Registration:   docs.google.com/…FFslULx3PKI7FhA/viewform    N.B individual registration automatically emails your registration.

Group Registration:   2021 Group Spring Sing Registration Spring-Sing2021-Flyer2  N.B. the group registration will need to be downloaded and emailed to the address on form.

Cancelled Rehearsal

Morgan has decided that a rehearsal tonight is an unnecessary health risk until the situation is clearer and out of concern that there will be very low numbers. It is our hope that all will be well in a fortnight. Meanwhile try a web search of recordings of our current repertoire and hopefully some parts are on their way. Spare a thought for Morgan too who is also preparing to teach high school students online!
Stay safe and well everyone. Marion


This Tuesday 3rd August is our scheduled rehearsal. At this stage it will go ahead though our friends who live in the Lockyer or who have been in one of the LGAs from Saturday 1am are in lockdown restrictions until they are lifted.
Please check the website here on Tuesday for confirmation

Rehearsal this coming Tuesday & new music

Term 2 of Choirbolical starts this Tuesday 6/7/21 with new music (find 3 new pieces under Repertoire tab!) Morgan is adding a couple of Jazz numbers to our list.
6.45pm for 7pm start.

Please Note:  We have new covid guidelines to follow:
* Check in with the Check in QLD  app – QR codes are in the foyer.  Please download the app.  
No smart phone? We can assist on the night!
* 1 person to 2 square metres

Chilly Sing Cancellation

Dear (once) Choirbolical Chilly Singers,

It is with some sadness to hear from James that he has had to cancel the Chilly Sing. Such a disappointment. The decision based on participants & workshop presenters unable to attend in NSW and growing concerns. James anticipates the event will be rescheduled… Great news! I am happy to refund Registration and Coach fees now or in the future if you request, otherwise I will keep these as a credit for his future rescheduled (not so Chilly) Workshop. I have a list of all your payments from the Bendigo Bank Statement.

Thank you for your patience and we can now look forward to our Spring Sing at Highfields Primary School on Saturday 9 October &, the Jazz Club, likely for Friday evening,19 November. Please pencil these dates in your diary!
Warm Regards,

Tenterfield update

Here is Rob’s email in case you missed it.

Dear Choir Travellers,

Seems that it’s a day to day feast of COVID restrictions, lockdowns & opinions.
At this stage we have confirmed attendance for 20 of us, some 16 folk on the 6am Coach & others travelling independently to Tenterfield.So what do you need to do:

  1. After 6pm tomorrow (72 hours is required before travelling from NSW to Qld) complete a https://www.qld.gov.au/queensland-travel-declaration   (pl click this link)
  2. If you haven’t done one before , it’s very straightforward, takes a few minutes and its sent to you by email. You can present this on your phone entering Qld or print a copy and bring this with you.
  3.  You don’t have to complete a Declaration to enter this area of NSW!!  
  4. Let me know if you have any dietary requirement by Friday so I can advise Haley at Chilly Sing 
  5. If you haven’t already done so, pl transfer your $30 Registration and a further $40 if you are on the Coach. I will be sending Choirbolical names for Registration on Friday and paying as a group on Sunday.

I will advise you immediately if there are any developments that affect us. Kind Regards, Rob

Rehearsal reminder

This Tuesday is our choir rehearsal 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Repertoire we are polishing for Tenterfield Winter Sing on the 27th includes Sweet Baby James, Bonse Aba, and the sea shanty The Wellerman.
Hints for singing without the music – try writing out the words or putting the music down while doing a little practice this week??? Try singing to recordings on the net. Here is a link to sing along to Sweet Baby James. https://youtu.be/Y3Q_DZLZbM4
And another for Bonse Aba. https://youtu.be/US_oTqmiEVM

Don’t forget to make your payments for Tenterfield if you are going. AND next Saturday at 10.15am there is a plan to have a pop up sing through our performance songs in the Botanical Gardens off Lindsay Street.
All welcome to the rehearsal this Tuesday and the pop up sing whether you are going to Tenterfield or not! See you there.