To our dear Choirbolical,
Sotto Voce! (a spoken remark in a quiet voice)
In these weird isolation times, some might be finding it tough, or enjoying slowing down and for others, not really so different. VOCE has been thinking of you all and working with Matt to find ways we can replicate that good ‘ol Choirbolical joy feeling!!
We’re also mindful these times may be too much and you may not wish to engage so, feel free to withdraw this Term and, if you choose, request a refund for the Term. (contact Rob …
However, if you can hold tight and watch this space over the break, you’ll see the little gem ideas coming together, our dreams into reality. BUT, we also need your thoughts so Leave a Reply at oremail/ phone a VOCE member!
… read on …..
So, where are we up to …1. Well, Matt’s still on the payroll and he has produced some awesome awesome mini YouTube sessions and more on the way. and
Plus the latest one in the post below. Thanks Matt!
2. We know these practices are different on ya lonesome. How do you finding these? Can these be improved or modified to keep you singing in the shower? Let us know, check in… email/ phone
3. Don’t forget your music and parts for all our songs are in the Repertoire …
4. Most of us have viewed virtual choirs (featuring our own Astrid); ABC
Virtual Choirs
look at this one too…Camden Choir
5. VOCE is exploring our own virtual choir … Could be feasible! We’ll be putting together a trial next week with AveVerumCorpus – watch this space.
6. Can you think of other ways we can connect with each other?
7. We’ll sing and virtually record easier known songs from our repertoire, such as ……? using those excellent parts recordings AND/OR ask Matt to look for simpler pieces that would suit a virtual choir hook up?
8. Members reported they luv Matt’s warm ups and chatter. What are your thoughts?
9. Please also be encouraged to join one of Astrid’s couch choir sessions to enjoy (and let us know how her recording process goes) Spot the choir members here
What’s next …1. Be encouraged to Practice with Matt. and
2. Feedback to Matt, remember he’s smiling into a lens
3.View other current virtual choirs And beautiful music. Add a link to a post… here’s one from Loretto of the first piece ever sung by Choirbolical
try Corona Rhapsody:
4.Check in, ramble on …
5.Call a choir friend, see how they’re going, dream up ideas, give VOCE a boost!
all the best from VOCE folk