Dates coming up

Here is the list of dates and details coming up for your calendar.
May 4th – this will be a do-it-ourselves rehearsal. (Morgan is unavailable, but we will rehearse ourselves in parts and together using recordings from 7pm – 8pm.
+ A VOCE meeting will be held at 6pm to do some forward planning – all welcome.
May 11th – Parts rehearsal (Soprano/Altos) with Morgan
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
May 18th – regular rehearsal at deMolay
May 25th – Parts rehearsal (Bass/Tenor) with Morgan.
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
June 1st – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
June 12 or 13 – a ‘city sing’ is proposed. Details to follow.
June 15 – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
Sunday June 27th – Tenterfield ‘Chilly Sing’ Workshops and Performance.

See you soon for more great singing !

Great News! Rehearsals are back on.

this coming Tuesday 20th April we will recommence rehearsals at Demolay 6.45pm for 7pm start. We are working on current repertoire available under the repertoire tab and preparing songs to sing at our first outing in quite some time – the Winter Sing in Tenterfield on Sunday June 27th.
see you there 🙂

You might also like to join in with the Pub Choir River Stage
( Astrid also has a pub choir coming up next Friday in Toowoomba but alas already sold out!)

Cancelled Rehearsal

Sadly we will once again cancel first Tuesday night’s rehearsal as there are still mandatory masks indoors and number limits this week. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for the 20th this month.
So sorry for this late posting confirmation of what has been posted on Facebook. I drafted a couple of days ago and forgot to actually send. Cheers Marion

Rehearsal Update

Unfortunately with today’s Lock down announcement Morgan is unable to take choir this coming Tuesday. Many of us might also find that we have been in Brisbane since March 20th.
We will update this post next weekend about our next scheduled rehearsal for the following Tuesday 6th.
Relax and enjoy your Easter break and stay well everyone. See you soon.

Tuesday Rehearsal & VOCE meeting

Yes it is a rehearsal on Tuesday 16th! (Sorry if there was some confusion with my last post saying 17th). Have a look under repertoire for another piece of music to download – Fair Phyllis.

Also, everyone is most welcome to come along early to a VOCE meeting at 6pm. Voce is a group that supports the smooth running of our choir, and we will begin to plan singing events for this year. cheers, Marion

On another note: a great quote from this ABC podcast “Singing with Strangers and Spooky Men’ – In a choir you have allies!!

No rehearsal this Tuesday

Apologies everyone – the hall is not available for a rehearsal on the 23rd. Our next scheduled rehearsal is on March 2nd. Usual time and place. Sorry if this late cancellation causes any inconvenience.
Thank-you to Morgan and all who attended the Saturday workshop. What a lot of fun and a great sound! Welcome also to new folk who came along.
See you on the first Tuesday next month for more making of music together.

Music for Workshop this Saturday

Please find music for the workshop this Saturday (20th Feb) to download from the Repertoire Tab. Sweet Baby James and Bonse Aba. Scroll to the end of the list!

Note – you do need to have a password login to access the Repertoire page. If you are new to Choirbolical and have not created a login, contact Andrew. [email protected]

Some music will be printed and available on the day, but it would be great if you can have music downloaded on a device or printed ready to go.