Tenterfield Winter Sing payments

Thanks to the 22 folk so far who have put their hand up for the Winter Chilly Sing in Tenterfield, 27June. We intend to pre-book as a group the entry fee of $30 inc. GST (fee includes music booklet, morning tea, lunch and tea & coffee). Also, reserve your seat on the luxury 33 seat coach leaving Demolay House at 6am, returning approx 7pm by including an additional $40!
Please EFT, just reference, “(your name) Chilly” to: Choirbolical BSB 633000 Acc 120540877
Warm regards, Rob Sandison
Ps. of course $ will be credited if COVID travel restrictions apply.

VOCE ‘Spring Sing ‘21’ committee minutes.

Spring Sing Workshop.     Working Group 1/6/21

Purpose of Spring Sing: to promote community singing, community choirs in Toowoomba and surrounding areas

Attendance:    Linda, Rob, Elspeth, Alison, Judy, Chris R., Lee. The committee would love a couple more volunteers.

Details: Saturday 9th October 2021.   

Workshop 8.30 – 4pm; Venue access 7.45 – 5pm.

60 – 90 participants, depending on venue Format: block for each conductor, concert in afternoon – performances by visiting groups, massed choir.

Conductors:   Graeme Morton and Morgan Chalmers

Linda meeting Graeme in Brisbane on 17/6.   Seek written confirmation for 9th October

Insurance: Covered for everything except covid related issues. (Rob)

Budget: As suggested by Rob in email 1/6/21, depending on confirmation of costs. ie: 1 or 2 directors; venue hire 

Covid: Venues will have existing plan to be followed, including numbers allowable. Issues with provision of food – pre-packaged?  suppliers? venue facilities? Coffee Guy willing to attend (Rob)

Venue: Elspeth and Alison to explore options. Considerations:  audiovisual facilities, numbers, piano, catering (onsite, external), parking USQ –   space for social distancing, catering,  Choral Society Hall / Philharmonic Hall (?) – space, indoor and outdoor space. Schools – covid restrictions problematic for venue. Millennium Centre (TAS) – suitable venue to hire for purpose. Armitage Centre – Empire Theatre, possible Regional Arts grant? Church:  Alison to check with her Church

Music – chosen by conductors, variety, 2-3 choices each before publicity, printed or AV or digital copies?  Copyright issues?

Food – bring own or supply? coffee/ tea ?

Covid plan – venue and amend Choirbolical plan (Lee)

Publicity – print (Judy?), media and social media (Linda?) expression of interest/registration to local choirs (Rob has list), schools (staggered approach), USQ students

Rehearsal reminder this Tuesday & pop-up sing

Our usual choir rehearsal is this Tuesday 1st June 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. If you missed our last rehearsal look forward to a great new piece Morgan has us singing (printed music will be available) – a sea shanty – The Wellerman. Check it out on YouTube.
Also please let us know at the door if you are planning to go to Tenterfield on the 27th. Can’t come? – never mind, come and join us for a pop up sing in the Botanical Gardens on Saturday 19th at 10.15am. Put it on your calendar and invite family and friends for an audience.

Bus it to Tenterfield!

Hello Choristers,
Chilly Sing Tenterfield is just 5  weeks away. Why drive when you can put ya feet up, bring your thermos & sing along. We have a limited time quote for a 37 seat bus + driver, seat belts, toilet etc. It’s a 2hrs 40 mins journey. 
Please let me know if you’re on board by text or email ASAP just type … ‘(name) BUS PLEASE’. Your fare contribution should be around $35 return if we have 25 + folk. I’ll request EFT payment when we confirm numbers. Please consider joining the group! ETD 6am from Demolay Hse, return ETA 7pm 27June.
Warm Regards, Rob
0422543804. [email protected]

ps. Check a previous post to download the Chilly Sing program. It’s not too late to learn our repertoire and join a day of singing!!

Bass & Tenors

A bass and tenors only extra rehearsal will be on this coming Tuesday 25/5 with Morgan at Toowoomba Grammar School the Baynes music centre 7-8pm.
Best entry/parking is in the carpark entrance off Herries Street.
The next rehearsal for everyone will be June 1st and a time to nominate if you are intending going to the big Chilly Sing in Tenterfield on June 27th. We are investigating bus and driver hire to get there and back – would this be a good option for you? More info to come.

Parts rehearsal venue

Sops and Altos – Tuesday 11th 7pm – 8pm we will be in the Baynes music centre Toowoomba Grammar School. Best entry/parking is in the carpark entrance off Herries street. Look for signs or Morgan to get to the building from there as TGS can be a bit daunting.

Sops & Altos

Our extra ‘parts’ rehearsal for Sopranos and Altos with Morgan will be held this coming Tuesday 11th. 7-8pm. Morgan is booking a room at Grammar School in Margaret St. as DeMolay is not available.
Please check back here on Tuesday for specific details of where we will meet. (Don’t forget Tenors and Basses you will have a turn on the 25th)

Dates coming up

Here is the list of dates and details coming up for your calendar.
May 4th – this will be a do-it-ourselves rehearsal. (Morgan is unavailable, but we will rehearse ourselves in parts and together using recordings from 7pm – 8pm.
+ A VOCE meeting will be held at 6pm to do some forward planning – all welcome.
May 11th – Parts rehearsal (Soprano/Altos) with Morgan
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
May 18th – regular rehearsal at deMolay
May 25th – Parts rehearsal (Bass/Tenor) with Morgan.
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
June 1st – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
June 12 or 13 – a ‘city sing’ is proposed. Details to follow.
June 15 – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
Sunday June 27th – Tenterfield ‘Chilly Sing’ Workshops and Performance.

See you soon for more great singing !