Choirbolical 2020

A BIG WELCOME to Matt Collins who will be our Music Director for 2020.
At the VOCE meeting held Dec 10th we were please to talk with Matt who is looking forward to being back in Toowoomba this year and able to bring his considerable musical skills to lead us in another year of wonderful music making.


Feb 4th – first Tuesday evening rehearsal at DeMolay. 6.45 for 7pm start. See all dates under Rehearsal tab

Feb 15th – full day workshop to start our year. A great opportunity to invite new members and share a day of singing and laughter. Details to follow. (Weekend workshops away cancelled at this stage due to short notice)

May 5th – Community Concert Fundraiser for HOSPICE.

Next VOCE meeting Jan 21st. – 6pm at DeMolay Hall followed by food after at Parkhouse. VOCE is a group who help with the smooth running of our community choir and events throughout the year. What to help? Come along – all welcome.

Rehearsal and performance

Tuesday 3rd will be our final rehearsal for the year. Usual time and place. 7pm start at DeMolay.
Susie and Josh will run through the Christmas Lights performance repertoire.
All welcome to the Sunday evening 8/12/19 – pre-performance gathering at the Parkhouse 6pm – singers/families and hanger ons who might join in over at the Christmas lights at 8.30 pm.

Voce notes

Here is a summary of the VOCE meeting this past week noting up-coming events and looking ahead to 2020

Present: Susie, Pam, Chris R, Gail, Rob, Stuart (Minutes), Leslie, Marion

Apologies: Eileen Munro, Kent


Minutes as amended be accepted – carried 

Matters Arising – Nil

Financial Report: presented by Rob to be accepted -carried. De Molay House fees: Fees to increase (still very reasonable and accommodating). Rob will confirm booking dates for 2020.


Downs Syndrome Support Concert • Concert was a great success• Team worked well• Good feedback from Downs Syndrome society• Diversity of performance• Food and Drink worked well• Organisation of the Raffle should be streamlined• Need to be sure to acknowledge donorso Certificates for Sponsors • Support from Downs Syndrome community was valuable to success.o Performers received gifts on the night• Action – Collate information on the organisation of concert for future reference (organisation committee)• Future reference: Theme for night, limit number of songs/activities per group.• Potential for next year (2020) – two concerts in May (Hospice) and November (Refugee groups).
• Donation to Downs Syndrome for our recent concert = $2,100.

Christmas Performance

Sunday 8th December at 8:30 pm

Susie together with Josh Duffield and Melinda Burke will lead the choir for Christmas Wonderland performance.

On 19th Nov and 3rd December team will lead rehearsals.

• Social event for Choir prior to Christmas Concert at Park House, 6 pm.• Pay your own way. • Choirbolical and partners.• Numbers at 19th of November rehearsal. • Chris R to have form and make announcement. Note parking available behind historical society for performers. free Entry for performers – not before 7pm and preferably numbers given to gate attendant by one person as group goes through.

Conductor for 2020 Susie has volunteered to start Choirbolical off at the beginning of the year.

Alternative Conductors are being approached and any interest welcome.

Weekend Workshop in 2020• Suggestion is to go to Staceys Cunningham’s Gap for weekend workshop early in 2020• Include guest conductors• Drumming workshop• Gail to confirm booking still available and lock in one date. Details at next two rehearsals for feedback of interest.

Copyright Be sure to cover costs for use of music going forward.Susie to look into interesting Australian composers.

Web Site Leslie to be backup to Marion

Other Matters• Need to recruit more VOCE members.  Seek new members at beginning of 2020

• Choir to commence 4th February 2020

Noel’s song

Hi everyone,

Noel has written a beautiful song and will perform at Tuesday’s concert. The suggestion is for VoiceMale and other Choirbolical men who wish to join him come forward to sing and the rest of the choir stay at the sides to join in the chorus. I’m very sorry but I cannot load the audio file but below are the lyrics. If you can come by 6.30pm there may be an opportunity to run through the song before the concert begins.

The Last Bird of all.???????Noel Keller

VERSE 1:?When the last bird falls down from the sky

(Noel)??When the last dream awakes, wondering why

When the last tear forever runs dry

When the last bird of all gives a call and falls down from the sky?

CHORUS:?We are playing with fire and ice 

(All)??Rolling the dice ?

We think it’s a game

That we get to play twice ?

We think it’s a hoax?

And we think it’s a lie?

We think it’s a problem for somebody else ?

And that’s our alibi -bi- bi.

VERSE 2:?When the last bird falls down from the sky

(Noel)??When the last summer breeze whispers“Goodbye”

When the last prayer forgets how to cry  

When the last bird of all gives a call and falls down from the sky

CHORUS:?ALL  ( building up ….   )

VERSE 1:?ALL  ( still and quiet; unaccompanied )

Choirbolical Concert

All welcome to join us on Tuesday for our end of year concert. Details in the flyer.

  • Parking is available at the back of the hall with entry up the stairs.
  • Cakes/slices, some gluten free, cut ready to serve, labelled, brought to the hall early, given to Rebecca, Charlotte or Rineke in the back room near the kitchen or  the front room we used last year.
  • Raffle tickets will still be on sale until the start of the concert. See Ann Maree and Michael
  • Choir members if possible, wear blue and white with touches of colour; sit at either side of the hall. (Front rows will be reserved for young performers.)
  • We hope to sing from the stage with Astrid helping us get organised
  • All help with cleaning up.

It’s going to be lots of fun for everyone and a wonderful gesture of support to the Down Syndrome Support group.

Concert Program:???Tues 5 Nov. 2019

(Raffle tickets sold til 7pm) 

7.00:??– Welcome

– TDDSSG speakers

Kent and Loretto introduce Choir and Astrid and Matt 

7.15:?– ?Choirbolical 

– Mother Earth

????– Halo

????– One Voice

????– Ya Basta– 

The Twirly Girlies– Four on the Floor– The Key of She– The Rainbow Choir– Voice Male– Noel Keller 


????– Adiemus

????– Last Rose of Summer

????– Yil Lull

8.25:??Raffle Draw

8.30:?? Final Thanks????? + Cake and Coffee

Astrid conducting a beautiful reflection on 6 years with Choirbolical.

Come celebrate

We have had a great year of singing! Including the LAST BIG SING ever – a surprise announcement on Sunday. Our Last Rose was a finely sung fitting moment. And Hallo -got a big YES from Astrid.

This Tuesday 29th (a 5th Tuesday) is an EARLY rehearsal – 6.15pm. We will be preparing songs from all our repertoire this year for the final Concert & Cake charity gig on the 5th November.

At 7.45pm we will wander over to the Parkhouse for a little celebration of the year singing with Astrid and Matt. Platters provided. Buy your own drinks. Partners most welcome (we ask for a $10 donation from partners) we will get numbers at the start of the rehearsal but have booked for 40- so come along one and all.

Rehearsal- 15th Oct

The next rehearsal is Tuesday 15th Oct – 6.45pm for a 7pm start.

Please note our next performance is the BIG SING in Brisbane on Sunday 27th October. This is a full day workshop and Choirbolical will perform at the concert to follow. We need to forward our expected numbers of people attending ASAP. Please see flyer for more info and related sheets at this week’s rehearsal. If you are unable to attend this rehearsal but intend coming to the BiG SING please rely to this post or contact us.

Don’t forget raffle tickets for our Concert night will be available at rehearsals to sell to family and friends ahead of time.

Cheers Marion