Rehearsal tomorrow 5th Sept

Our 1st Tuesday of the month is tomorrow.

I have 13 participants for the drumming workshop on 9th Sep at 2:30pm at CUA community hub.  We have enough drums and other percussion instruments to have a drumming circle.

Hope to see your smiling face tomorrow 5th Sept at  6:45pm for a 7pm start De Molay House.

Best wishes,


FOV wrap up


Here is a glimpse of choirbolical’s  Festival of Voices experience in Hobart 2017. Pop up performances at markets, concert appearance at Town Hall and hanging at the Singer’s lounge where choirbolical took to the stage AND Joe, Alison and Astrid gave blackboard performances to great applause; AND not forgetting a memorable rendition of Carole King’s Natural Woman led by Astrid.

A fabulous time was had by all 30+ of us. ( Not so fabulous was the flu many of our travellers came down with afterwards.)  Hopefully most are on the mend  for the resumption of rehearsals this week. See you there.

First Pop Up in the Mallin the beautiful Town HallThe freezing markets  Salamanca Pop Up

Astrid’s ‘500 miles’ blowing the audience away!


Choirbolical rehearsal reminder

Dear Songsters,

After a fantastic Workshop, we have new songs to add to our lovely repertoire.

Please see Astrid’s post from today, Saturday 18 February.

Our next rehearsal is Tuesday 21 February, 6;45 for a prompt 7:00 start.

Demolay House Margaret Street.

I’ll bring $2 coins for the air conditioner.




Spring Sing is nearly here

Just a reminder that Spring is around the corner and Choirbolical’s annual Spring Sing is on Saturday 10th September. Confirm your attendance by registering ASAP so we are ready for a great day of making music. Details:

Choirs and individuals welcome. Register and notification of dietary requirements and payments can be made by emailing our treasurer Catherine. [email protected]

Registration appreciated by 26th August but participants welcome to come along and make payments on the day,

Direct debit payments to: Choirbolical BSB 633000 Account 120540877

Date: Saturday 10 September

Venue: Arts Theatre USQ – Take West Street main entrance and turn left. Follow signs.

Times: Registration & cuppa 9am, Workshops start at 9.30

Food: Morning Tea and Lunch provided

Cost: $35 waged  $25 unwaged

Presenters: Dr James Cuskelly & Carla Trott

Concert: All welcome to attend a gold coin donation concert at 2.30pm




February Workshop – 13/2/16

Details of our February Workshop on Saturday 13th with Carla are:

Venue – De Molay House   Margaret St opposite Queens Park

Times – Arrive at 8.30am to start at 9am

Morning tea at about 11am.

Close at 1.30pm

Cost – $20 waged : $15 unwaged   –   to be paid at the door OR pay ahead using Choirbolical Banking details (See Fees tab)


Choirbolical is looking forward to attending and performing at the BIG SING this Sunday.

The Queensland Kodály Choir and James Cuskelly invite you and your choir to The Big Sing! 2015. This event will again be held at St Aidan’s AGS, Brisbane on Sunday 1st November.

Registration 8.30am / Workshop 9.00 / Morning Tea 10.30/ Workshop 11.00/ Lunch 12.30 / Concert preparation 1.30/ Concert 3.00pm

We are excited to have James Cuskelly as the first presenter and welcome Sandra Milliken as the guest presenter for the second session of the day.

The Big Sing! is an opportunity for community choirs and interested members of the public to come together for a fun and challenging day of singing. No prior knowledge of music literacy is required – just a love of singing. Morning Tea and Lunch are included in the registration fee ($10 for unwaged/concession, $20 for adults) and a concert to showcase the music from the day will commence at 3pm.

Please RSVP via email to [email protected]. Any individual participants are welcome to RSVP before the event, or just turn up the day.


SPRING Sing 2015

Register now for a SPRING SING on Saturday September 12.

Workshop presenters – James Cuskelly & Astrid Jorgensen

Singers of all ages and levels of musical experience are welcome to join a day of music, laughter and learning.

Venue: ARTS Theatre USQ

Registration & cuppa 9.00am

Wonderful workshops, morning tea & lunch

Concert: 2.30pm    – Friends and family welcome (gold coin donation)

Cost: $35 waged   $25 unwaged

More information 0417976098 or reply to this post

Choirs are encouraged to register early and pay as a group prior to the day.

Pop-Up Toowoomba Performances and Artworks

An exciting morning of ‘pop-up’ performances will be held on 6th June in the Toowoomba CBD. Meet at the Empire Theatre Neil Street at 10am to warm up the vocal chords and trail around the CBD viewing some of the remarkable ‘First-coat’ artworks while we sing in the streets.

Don’t forget to let friends and family know so they can walk with us or find us along the way. Proposed route is:

1. Viewing artworks on the way to our first sing at the Village Green adjacent to the Regional Art Gallery 10.15am

2. Artworks and singing  near Ground-up in Searles Lane around 10.45

3. Weave around the lanes to Bon Amici in Margaret Street – singing on a small stage from 11.30am.  Stay on for some lunch and further walking to view other new artworks if you wish.

The Pop-Ups are designed to give our local community a taste of the Pop-up performances we will be doing in Hobart’s Festival of Voices

2015 Updates

Hi all,

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great Christmas.

I have updated the Repertoire page to include nearly all of the repertoire that we will prepare for the Festival of Voices in July. You will need to sign into the website to access them. Please print out copies to bring to our first rehearsal on February 3rd. A few of the pieces have been performed in previous years by Choirbolical, so a few of you may already have copies of some of the music. I will work at having part recordings done before we begin rehearsals again.

In terms of the Tasmanian Festival of Voices, I have received 19 ‘yes’ responses, with singers from each of the parts, so we are definitely confirmed to attend the festival from July 9-12. WOOHOO! I’m really excited. A list of names is included below. There is always the possibility to have more join us, so spread the word (especially to male singers!). There also might be a couple more Choirbolical members who want to come, but who aren’t signed up to the website. We can confirm again once rehearsals start.

You are welcome to purchase flights/accommodation at any time if you find a great price, otherwise I will put together a sheet of information to distribute in rehearsals. I’ve just spoken to the Festival Director, who says that there is an accommodation deal that is yet to be publicly announced, but for any participants of the FOV, Travelodge Hobart is offering rooms for $90/night. These are in the very centre of the CBD, walking distance to the festival activities, and available at this rate only to Festival Participants. If you want to take advantage of this price, you should simply call Travelodge Hobart and request the price.

I might have mixed up some of the women’s parts, but just let me know if your name is missing completely.




Debra (+John)
Pam (+Rod)





To get you in the mood for Tasmania, here is a picture of the Aurora Australis that appeared in Hobart on Jan 7th, 2015.

aurora hobart

See you on Feb 3rd


Welcome to 2015

Welcome to 2015 with Choirbolical. An exciting year is planned but firstly some house-keeping about using our website.

Choir members are encouraged to Register. As a registered member you will have access to the Repertoire page where you can find printable music and sound recordings. This is set as a private page available to logged in registered members only.

The Register link is located under the Login button on the home page. When going through the initial registration process check your spam if you do not get a confirmation email with an initial password.

If you are a Registered user you will:

1. automatically get emailed notifications when new posts are made to the Home page;

2. access the Repertoire page – but remember you must use your login details to see the Repertoire page or you will get an error message.

Any difficulties with accessing the webpages – please see me at our first rehearsal on Feb 3rd.  cheers, Marion