Voce Sub-committee Zoom Meeting 15/1/25    2pm

Attendees: Caroline Ryan, Lee Williams, Marion Elvery

Topic: Sheet Music & Copyright


Music in Communities Network article forwarded by Caroline regarding complying with Copyright as a community choir.

This raised issues for our choir:

  1. Are we buying enough copies?
  2. Is printing a workshop booklet of music and charging for it appropriate?
  3. How are we accessing & tracking music and downloads?
  4. How do we cover the cost of purchasing music for each member?
  5. Should we have an extensive collection of repertoire & practice tracks on the website?
  6. Do we need to make changes – much of the way we work now came out of going online during COVID?


  1. Will buy downloadable 42 copies to cover regular members of Choirbolical + director and pianist. These need to be  purchased under the organisations name: CHOIRBOLICAL not the music director’s name.   
  2. Music must be owned by the choir, not the individual. So new processes for accessing music to be put in place. 
  3. Print 42 Workshop music booklets –  to be numbered / a copyright explained on booklet
  4. Workshop to reduce the fee to $20 from $25
  5. Music booklet to be collected at the end of the workshop
  6. Access to music-  changes:
  7. Music access comes with your membership fee – this can be a Term or Year
  8. Digital copy to be available online under a login members only area (Repertoire)
  9. For members intending to come for at least a Term and who have a paid-up membership the Workshop booklet will be yours to use for home practice and rehearsals.
  10. Members to note which numbered copy they have when they pick up their copy at the first rehearsal – and sign into the rehearsal.
  11. Ongoing new music – a process for tracking accessed music to be put in place – possibly as part of the rehearsal sign-on process. A MUSIC access sheet that notes when members have accessed music so we have a clearer idea of the number who are downloading to print a copy or view digitally from the members-only website area.
  12. Music cost increases will mean membership fees will need to be reviewed as part of 2025 budgeting. 
  13. Past Repertoire & rehearsal tracks to be archived off the website.
  14. Changes to the way we manage music in our community choir is necessary and will be reviewed throughout the year as we endeavour to comply with Copyright in a digital age. 



VOCE Meeting – 25th June 2024

Parkhouse.  Planning for Fundraising Concert.

Attendees:  Eileen, Alison, Marion, Caroline, Sue, Wendy, Lee.

Apologies: Paul

Date & Time: Fundraising Concert for Toowoomba Hospice. Saturday 24th August, 2pm

Location: Drayton Hall, 39 Brisbane St, Drayton.

Carolyn will check with Philharmonic Soc. regarding the loan of choir risers.  She has a vehicle that can transport them.

Performers: High Country Community Jazz Band and Choirbolical.

 Also invited to take part:  Parkinsong, Voice Male, Ultrasound, Women in Harmony.

 Lee will contact these groups for an indication of participation by 2/7/24.

Marion will do flyer/poster, (A5, A4, Social Media ready) including logo of Hospice – Eileen & Alison to organise logo

Combined item:  “Happy Together” – with band and choirs.   Caroline has sent music, Lee will distribute to those taking part.

Cost & Afternoon tea? Entry $10 (includes tea/coffee & cake) plus donation to Hospice. 

Cake to be donated by Choirbolical members, tea/coffee/milk from Choirbolical’s supplies.   Set of afternoon tea up by Sue & helpers.

Tickets at the door – cash or EFT.  Eftpos machine or square from Hospice including personnel to operate?   Eileen & Alison will check with Hospice.

Someone to handle payments at the door (tickets & donations) with Hospice personnel.

Participants to receive $150 for performance.  If cash sales don’t realise enough to cover this, will need to arrange with Hospice – group sends invoice, Hospice pays.

Receipt book for cash donations – Choirbolical has one.

Motion: That we purchase 3 white tablecloths, to be used on occasions for Choirbolical.   Moved: Sue, Seconded: Wendy, carried.  Lee to purchase

Publicity: logos of Hospice, performing groups

Marion will do flyer – A5, A4 and social media formats.

Distributed through/by choir members, band members and networks.  Hopefully there will be an online space for publishing, soon.  Caroline to let us know when it is available.

Closer to the date, Sue will contact ABC radio – David Iliffe


Choirbolical VOCE Meeting 16th March 2024

St Stephens booked for 19th May social get together and sing a long at 2pm – 5pm. Will need some helpers there earlier to help set up urn etc.

Marion to send out info and ask members to bring a plate for afternoon tea.

Keyboard is now ready and Andrew will pick it up. Evidently there was nothing major wrong with it. If the fault occurs again, it should be taken straight in. It was decided that a case/cover would be beneficial. Marion will look at this when she picks up keyboard. She will also purchase a new Music stand.

Chilly Sing flyer needs to go on website & Facebook and information about payments and selecting and paying for a meal at the RSL.  Much easier for venue if we order meals and pay beforehand.

Marion showed us a couple of drafts for new Logo. Everyone was supportive of the draft – a few more minor changes to it. Lee to pass on names and Marion will produce new name tags.


VOCE Minutes 23/1/2024

Attendees:  Eileen Munro, Marion Elvery, Paul Williamson, Wendy Geue, Caroline Ryan, Lee Williams

Apologies:  Sue Price, Michael Scott, Alison Beattie


Music: *Quote from Snap Print – 50 pages for 4 songs, reduce pages by including All the Pretty Horses, Riversong, Coffee Song and lyrics of Homeward Bound.      Lee      Morning Tea: *reminder to members to bring food to share   Marion *Eileen to set up, organise milks and ask Helen Pope to assist.

Registration:  *$25 includes music and morning tea, same as 2023

* direct payment to bank account preferred – details on choirbolical.com

* cash float?

* Sue and Wendy to sign in.   Record Name, Email, Phone, check list of early payers (Rob will supply).                                    Wendy to prepare sign on sheet

* Give Bank Account details to those who haven’t yet paid.       Lee to prepare

* only accept cash if exact amount.   No change.

Other Business:

Term Fees:     * no increase on 2023, details on choirbolical.com.

                         * continue with “music fee” – covers copyright.

School Holiday Bookings: * cancel school holiday dates already in De Molay calendar. Lee

Treasurer:       * with great regret we accept the resignation of Elspeth from the role of  treasurer.   Moved Eileen, Seconded Wendy.  *  Lee Williams nominated.  Moved Paul Williamson, Seconded Marion Elvery *  Lee to contact Bendigo Bank and arrange change of signatures as required with Elspeth & Rob

Logo:               *current logo withdrawn, although existing name tags, flags etc may continue to be used  * open invitation to the Choir to offer artwork, at rehearsal 6/2/24 * Thank you card for Judy Brewer for artwork.                                   Eileen

Facebook:      * change of manager to Wendy – problem with deleting and adding * Marion to contact Chris Meibusch to organise                Marion & Chris * Wendy will manage when user access is sorted.

Website:        * Marion to continue to manage

VOCE Meetings: will occur on the third Tuesday of each month, after the regular rehearsal.

Date Claimers & VOCE minutes

Date Claimers and forward planning is detailed in the VOCE minutes below.

Put these Dates in your diary for the end of 2019:

August 15th (Thursday) – An extra do-it-ourselves 1hour rehearsal 7-8pm deMolay and Social cuppa next door at Parkhouse.

September 13th (Friday) JAZZ Club performance. 7.30pm

October 27th (Sunday) BIG SING – all day workshop and concert

October 29th (Tuesday) Early rehearsal 6.15pm followed by end of year social event

November 5th (Tuesday) Charity, Concert & Cake 7pm

December 8th (Sunday) Wonderland of Lights – 6pm end of year dinner at Park House, Performance 8pm in park.


Park House Café
7 pm, Monday 22 July 2019

Apologies:     Lesley Pollack, Eileen Munro, Susie Fredline.

Present:        Marion, Rob, Stuart, Gail, Chris R. Pam

  1. Financial Report
  • Tabled by Rob and approved
  • Choir on track to be on or slightly ahead of budget
  • Payments made by the Treasurer for Matt Collin’s services at Tenterfield and Cancer Council May Concert approved
  1. Cancer Council
  • Receipts from Pam Wilson provided to the Treasurer ($1000 + $832)
  • Pam & Natalie attended thank you morning tea by Cancer Council and received certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Choir.
  1. Rehearsals and Performances July to Dec
  • Astrid and Matt’s schedule until the end of December noted.
  • Extra Rehearsal Thursday Aug 15 (in preparation for Jazz Club performance)
    • Extra non-formal rehearsal at De Molay House at 7 pm (confirmed with Edward)
    • 1 hour rehearsal
    • Social gathering after at the Park House (Pay for your own food and drinks)
    • Stuart to approach Chris Meibusch regarding screening of Tenterfield Choirbolical performance.
  • Jazz Club performance on 13 Sept
    • Arrive at Jazz club at 7:30 pm
    • Performance at ~9:00 pm
    • Arrangement details from Rob
    • Rob to book tables at Jazz Club for Choir
    • Repertoire
      • Ya Basta
      • Halo
      • The Last Rose of Summer
    • Astrid to conduct and possibly Matt can attend.
  • Big Sing 27 Oct in Brisbane
    • Repertoire to be finalised prior to date
  • Rehearsal and Social Event 29 Oct (Last for Astrid and Matt)
    • Rehearsal to start at 6:15 pm
    • 7:45 – 8:30 pm end of year social gathering at Park House
    • Cost and method of payment to be determined once numbers and catering decided
    • End of year formalities (To be discussed at next Voce)
  • Concert and Cake Tuesday 5 Nov
    • De Molay House
    • Set up planning team to oversee event. A sub-committee to be organised
    • Pam to liaise with TDDSSG
      • Items for program
      • Raffle prizes – contributions from members and businesses invited
    • Repertoire – same as Big Sing
  • Wonderland of Lights Sun 8 Dec
    • Park House booked for 6 pm for social gathering and meal
      (pay your own food and drinks)
    • Performance at 8 pm
      • Neither Astrid nor Matt available for 2 rehearsals before. Clare is available for rehearsals and performance.
      • Accompanist
      • Payments to be discussed and finalised at next Voce.
  1. Forward Planning for 2020
    • Arrangements with Astrid and Matt discussed.
    • World Symposium of Choral Music in Auckland (11 – 18 July)
      • Potential for Choir to attend as a group to perform in fringe events
      • Pam and Gail to provide information to Choir at rehearsal to gauge interest
    • The concept of 2 Weekend Workshops led by Astrid in 2020 was discussed.
      • Proposal to hold at Camp Stacey/Stacey’s at the Gap
    • Potential of attending Tenterfield workshop again in July was discussed.
      • Subject to potential attendance at World Symposium of Choral Music
    • Big Sing (Oct)
    • Concert and Cake for the hospice in May was agreed in principle
      • Ensure Choirbolical shares proceeds to support costs and small surplus
    • Spring Sing revisited
      • No final decision but may not happen if other events offer potential for musical enrichment and some financial support for Choir
  1. Carnival Choir registrations
    • To be mentioned at next rehearsal. Not a formal Choir event.
  2. Next VOCE meeting
    • Park House Sept 19 at 7 pm

VOCE minutes with upcoming dates

VOCE MEETING  – 21 March 2019

Present: ?Stewart, Gail, Marion, Chrissie, Di, Kent, Leslie, Rob, Pam

1. Performances 2019:

Following are proposed performances and activities for the rest of 2019.   Astrid & Matt will be asked about their availability on these dates:

a. Sun 7 July, 2 pm Tenterfield – Winter School Big Sing Concert.  Note: Choirbolical members are also welcome to attend the workshop prior to the concert

ACTION: Get numbers and attend – perhaps bus (check with Chris M)

b. UQ Singers Concert – Saturday 13 July, 5-6:3.  Choirbolical will host this as a fund-raising acitivity

ACTION:  Find venue:  Check with Eileen to speak with Mark/Artsworks.   Kent, Leslie & Chris to be sub-committee to organise and keep members informed.

c. Performance:  Cancer Council- propose Tuesday 21stMay, evening (rehearsal night) ACTION:  Pam to check with Cancer Council
d. Jazz Club performance – Friday 13September

ACTION: Check Astrid’s availability Rob

e. Big Sing – Brisbane 27 October
f. Town Hall Concert – Choirbolical Charity Concert –Sun 10th November 2.30 – 4 pm. After costs are covered extra proceeds to go to local charity/community group (yet to be decided).   Other choirs to be invited to perform:  High AltitudeHarmony, VoiceMale, Esk Community Choir, Dalby Choir

ACTION:  Stewart to go ahead and book Town Hall Annex (cost:  $800)

g. Christmas Lights –

ACTION:  Pam to check possible times/dates

2. NZ 2020 – Check with Astrid for dates and proposed activities and then see whether there is sufficient numbers/interest among choir members
3. Finances:  Rob presented financial report.   As there is no Spring Sing this year, which usually raises some funds for the choir, the Town Hall Concert  and the UQ Singers Concerts (see above) will hopefully have a profit to top up the account.
4. Next Meeting: 23 May

VOCE minutes

VOCE MEETING – 24.1.19

Present: Marion, Rob, Eileen, Pam, Lesley, Susie, Dia, Stuart, Chris R, Gail, Kent

Apologies: Catherine


  1. Treasurer: Rob was gratefully acclaimed as new treasurer.  Catherine will remain a  co-signatory.
  2. Kent will take minutes for the meetings he is able to attend and Pam when he can’t attend.
  3. Announcements at rehearsals:Action:  Lesley will do this as well as continue putting up posts on the website, Marion if she isn’t there
  4. Somebody who will welcome new attendees, give them flyer and take their names and contact details: Action: Gail agreed to do this
  5. Insurance policy; Action: Rob to check to ensure we have a copy of this handy
  6. Liaising with Astrid & Matt – eg. around proposed performances, rehearsal dates, etc: Action:  Susie & Stuart
  7. Facebook page:Currently not active.  Action: Susie agreed to take responsibility for keeping the Facebook page current.
  8. Financial Report: Action: Rob will present a summary statement of income and expenditure each meeting.  Any specific questions can be directed towards Rob at the meeting
  9. Reimbursement to Marion for gifts; Action:  Marion to present a statement to Rob for reimbursement
  10. Ideas for Performances:
  11. Infinite Care – newly opened aged care facility request for a performance later in the year Action:  Di to keep informed later in the year.
  12. Westhaven RSL care has asked us to come back – possibly Anzac Day. Action:  Stuart and Susie to check Astrid’s availability
  13. Stradbroke Island possibility – Action: Kent will ask Loretto to check with AnnBermingham whether there have been further developments
  14. End of year concert:Concept of performing the year’s repertoire, with one or two other selected choirs.   Partner with a community organisation and any proceeds after costs donated to this organisation.  Date:   A Sunday afternoon in November – Action: Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid and confirm date
  15. Sunshine Coast – Oriana Choir. Choral Festival – 15 June.  Action:  Check details with Matt
  16. NZ Choral Festival – 2020 – Action:Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid
  17. Tenterfield concert –Sunday 7 July poss. 2 pm – concert in Tenterfield Town Hall as end event of New England Music Winter School. Action:  Stuart and Susie to discuss with Astrid as to her availability
  18. Christmas Wonderland – Action: Susie & Stuart to discuss with Astrid as her availability
  19. Workshop: Date 17 February, CUA Ruthven Street,  booked from 8.30 am – 2.00 pm.     Commence 9 am – 11 am, food break,  30 am – 1 pm.  Cost: $20 waged, $15 unwaged and bring a plate of food


VOCE minutes Nov. 2018

Minutes of Voce Meeting  –  Thurs. 22ndthNovember

Present: Gail Hazell, Stewart Hazell, Chris R., Catherine, Pam, Judy B., Di Hensler, Marion, Lesley    Apologies: Kent

Item Action
Rehearsal 4thDec.

Proposed: an early finish to rehearsal so that the group can have a small get-together with finger food, tea and coffee, and present gifts to Directors and pianist.

Group members to provide finger food

Catherine to bring supply of tea, coffee, sugar and milk

End of Year Gifts thank you gifts to consist of cards and small gifts.  Gail had purchased a Christmas bunting gift and Marion will assemble a basket of healthy treats for Matt. Gail, Marion and various members  to buy the gifts and Catherine to buy the cards.
Christmas Wonderland carol singing was confirmed for Friday 7thDecember, 7:30 – 8:15.  Arrive at the gates at 7;00 and proceed to stage, to begin at 7:30

Other parts for ‘Coventry Carol’ and “May I Suggest”  have been posted to the website.

Astrid to plan repertoire
Finances:  Pam suggested that an overview of finances be presented at each meeting.

Discussion of fees was brought forward from the March meeting.  It was proposed by Stewart that because of the extra personnel employed by the choir and the additional performances undertaken throughout the year a slight increase to the fee structure should be considered at this time in readiness for 2019.

It was decided that the fees for next year be set at:

Yearly fees:   Waged:  $370.00     Unwaged:  $295.00

Per Term:      Waged: $100.00    Unwaged:  $80.00

Discussion was also held around the payment of a separate fee by people who are casual attendees.

A register of participants will be kept at each rehearsal to serve as a record of attendance for insurance purposes. There have been some objections to the ‘ticking’ but it was proposed that we continue with the register as a safety issue.  Chris will tick off attendees if they haven’t done so.



Marion will update information on the flyer in preparation for 2019

2019 Dates.

1st Rehearsal  – Tuesday 29th January.

Proposed Workshop date – Sunday, 17thFebruary.

Big Sing  Sunday 27thOctober  (Brisbane)

Lesley proposed that we hold the Feb. workshop n the CUA Hub.


Chris to check the availability of the CUA Hub for the Workshop.

Major events for 2019

Discussion occurred concerning activities for the choir during 2019.

Loretto wrote to Ann Birmingham at Stradbroke Is, inquiring about upcoming events that we could perhaps  attend and Ann replied that it will be discussed with her committee.

Matt also suggested a function at the South Coast with an associated choir called Oriana

It was noted that James Cuskelly would be attending the Winter School at USQ and we may to able to perform there.

A meeting to be held between Astrid and Matt and two Voce members to discuss co-ordination of activites/rehearsals for 2019 focusing on communication. recording of parts for repertoire and a trip to New Zealand to perform at a Musical function there.
2019 continued.

A suggestion was also put forward that we hold a special concert together with some invited local choirs, towards the end of 2019 that would include repertoire both old and new.

Discussion was also held regarding Choirbolical singing at other small community events throughout the year.

Suggested activities included a function with TRAMS.  Lesley proposed a combined drumming performance with Toni Trace who uses performances for people recovering from trauma.

It was proposed that Lesley compile a calendar of rehearsal dates and performances for 2019 and check both Astrid and Matt’s availability


Stewart to find out more information re the refurbished space at the Town Hall.


Consult with Michelle to investigate community functions that may be both receptive to listening to our choir and which would also enrich the experiences of the choir.



Lesley to compile calendar of events.


Choir members are to be encouraged to put in a little extra effort with their practices at home so that performances can be presented ‘sheet music free’.

Voce Meetings

Gail proposed that we conduct future Voce meetings at an alternative venue due to Pam’s increasingly busy family like.

We are very appreciative of the generosity of Pam and her family who have welcomed us to so many meetings throughout the years.  The warmth of the greetings one receives is a testament to the warmth of their hearts.

Voce meeting dates for  2019

24th January

21st March

23rd May

18th July

19th September

21st November.


Meeting closed at 8:00

Next Meeting to be held at the Park House Café, 24th Jan, 6:00pm

Lesley to check the availability of a small space in which to meet at the Café.

VOCE meeting Tuesday 13th 6pm

  1. All welcome to attend a VOCE meeting at Pam’s to confirm events for this year. 6pm tomorrow


Minutes of meeting held 13/2/18

Present:  Pam, Lesley, Gail, Stewart, Catherine, Chris R, Marion. Apology: Kent


  • Banner: Confirmed purchase of free-standing Choirbolical banner. (Stewart)
  • Performances:
  • Jazz night  Friday May 11 – confirmed with Astrid. Up to 5 songs, free admission to singers and $15 for partners. 8.40pm to sing in the interval between brackets of a local jazz group. North Toowoomba Bowls club. (Marion)
  • Saturday event – May 12 (Astrid unavailable)
  • Wilsonton Gallery – Saturday June 16 – Dan’s Exhibition opening- details to come (Pam)
  • Spring Sing – USQ available Sunday 16th + Astrid available  A Spring Sing committee to form and start organising from now. (Pam to hand on info & find new co-ordinator)
  • Recording Parts. Astrid unable to provide parts but choristers are welcome to record on phones for their own use. We felt we may need to announce recording times to minimize background noise (chatting!)
  • Badges – people encouraged to wear
  • Announcements – A big thank you to Astrid for a wonderful start of the year Workshop.  FEES reminder. Dates for Diaries (Kent) (Chris – gift)
  • Financial report –  healthy bank balance. Budget for on-going costs including accompanist (Melinda), hall hire, musical director (Astrid), insurance. Could consider spending money: suggestions include portable PA system, Drums, and subsidised drumming workshop, (Lesley to look into another workshop date)
  • Thank you Pam for hosting meeting.

VOCE minutes

VOCE MEETING – 19 December 2017

Present: Rebecca, Kent, Pam, Gail, Stuart, Lesley
Apologies: Marion, Judy W, Chris R
a. Starting the year
• First rehearsal 5th Tuesday in January, 30 January, then Tuesday 6 February
• Workshop – Saturday 10 February to be followed by gathering at Chris R’s place
Action: Kent to check De Molay availability
b. Emails
• We will review at beginning of year but if problems persist Lesley will keep a parallel email list and send them out from her own address
c. Accompanist
• Astrid indicated is useful to have an accompanist. Action: Pam will talk to Melinda.
d. Assistant Conductor
• Proposal to find somebody who can come to rehearsals, no fees and to be paid for any rehearsals/performances where Astrid can’t attend
• Action: Kent to email Sarah Abawi and make approach on behalf of VOCE
e. Performances, incl. Spring Sing
• One substantial performance per quarter
• First quarter – Jazz Club. Action: Marion to book 27 April with Jazz Club, if possible
• Second quarter – Singing at Wilsonton Art Gallery June 16th
• Third quarter – Spring Sing 15 September
• Fourth quarter – Big Sing 28 October
• End of Year concert – early December – Action: Lesley to ask Elaine about Saturday 8 December.
• Other ad hoc performances as they come up through the year, eg. CUA,
f. Fees/finances
g. Repertoire
• Would like continuity through the year, eg. keep some repertoire current after each performance
• Recording of parts – offer to pay for Astrid’s time or other recording options. Possibility of recording parts at rehearsal on phones – to try this and see how it goes

VOCE meeting 25 July

VOCE Meeting

Attending: Pam, Rebecca, Lesley, Gail, Stuart, Catherine, Marion. Apologies: Kent, Dino

AGENDA items

  1. Languages & Cultures Festival: 20th Aug – Astrid not available

ACTIONS show of hands @ rehearsal of singers willing to go / Rebecca to email Chrissie M and Susie F to see if they are willing to help conduct.

  1. November Events:
  2. Friday 10th Nov, Jazz @ Toowoomba North Bowls club
  3. Saturday 11th Nov, Joint Concert with Toowoomba Vocal Ensemble (Elaine Coates)

ACTIONS- a) Marion to add dates & details to website   b) Kent to contact Elaine to confirm with Elaine. Suggest Elaine and Astrid be in touch directly with each other and choose a piece of music to exchange. Next VOCE confirm proposal – venue (CUA or too small?)/ money raiser?/ charity concert? Etc.

  1. Christmas Wonderland: Suggestion that if we participate, our final rehearsal could be Tues 5th December and we offer to walk over and sing a bracket of songs at 8pm. Break-up?

ACTIONS- Check with Astrid if willing/ Marion remove 19th Dec rehearsal from web calendar.

  1. FOV-Festival of Voices wrap up: a) Payment for Astrid – ACTION – Catherine to follow-up with Astrid      b) Report and photos to go on the website. ACTION – Marion to compile report and ask Astrid about photos. c) Andrew to talk at next rehearsal. C) Thankyou to Anna Goldsmith for coordinating communication ACTION–  Pam to organize card/ Gail to get flowers for next rehearsal.
  2. Banner: Stuart to investigate cost of a flag banner with Snap Printing
  3. Amplifier & Risers: Stuart to discuss with Astrid possibility of using an amplifier (hire/borrow to trial). Catherine to check Owen’s Photography portable risers & Stuart other possibilities to give portable height to back row.
  4. Name Tags: Pam to get blanks from Judy and have available for new members from next rehearsal. Encourage everyone to wear?
  5. VOCE admin notebook: have a standard operational procedures login tab on website to access important info, e.g. insurance/ banking/ hall contact & keys/ equipment inc. piano/ webmaster & management/ artwork files/ other choirs contact list ACTIONS- Rebecca to start compiling list/ Marion to arrange new tab for 2018
  6. Emails on Website: who receives and replies to comments/ emails on website. Astrid??
  7. SING into SPRING @ Walton’s Store Stage September 9th – suggesting a later time 12.30 pm or 1pm ACTION: check with Astrid & Pam to check out the market at these times. Lesley to ask about requirements needed to put photos or advertise our performance on the screen.
  8. PHOTOS: a) CUA concert photos taken by Nev Madsen ACTIONS: Pam to get thankyou card/ Lesley to get bottle of wine/ Gail to give them to Nev with our thanks. Marion to ask Astrid about choosing files for the website. CUA have requested photos from this performance and from FOV to include in their newsletter? b) Just Us Choirbolical facebook created by Chris – some photos there can we choose and add some to website which is more accessible for all. Are there more photos out there? Astrid?
  9. New Repertoire; look forward to new music for performances for the rest of year.
  10. Theatre Restaurant – choirbolical table @ theatre restaurant in Ipswich with Clive and Alison? Clive and Alison to bring fliers.
  11. BIG SING: Astrid is not available –Communicate to choir/ show hands those that may attend/ want to sing without Astrid…


VOCE meeting at Pam Wilson’s house 15 Argyle Street  Tuesday 25 July 6:30.


Choirbolical VOCE meeting

An invite to all who wish to assist with the smooth running of Choirbolical.  All are invited to participate!

Meeting Tuesday 13 June, 6:30pm at Pam Wilson’s house,15 Argyle Street Toowoomba.

Hope to see you there!



VOCE Meeting  –  Tuesday 13 June 2017

Present:                  Catherine, Dino, Lesley, Marion, Gail, Pam

Apologies:             Rebecca, Chris R, Kent

  1. ‘Do It Yourself’ practices – Sunday 18 and Sunday25 , 3.30 – 5.00  at Elvery’s
  2. Tues 27 June: CUA Community Hub,  6.45 – 8.30 has been confirmed:  no food or drink to be provided. Encourage friends and family to be our audience for this magnificent event. Gail’s brother, Nev Madsen, may come to take photos.
  3. Camellia Show:   Sunday 16 July,  11.00 – 11.30  Greg Johnson’s response to today’s email – ‘sounds irresistable’ .   Wait for response from President,  Kevin Cottrell and c’tee member, Mike Wells. Marion has checked out the website and it looks quite formal and organised.  It may be too late to be included. Check it out .


4. Walton Store Stage: Lesley has had contact with organisers.   She will check out if it is available on Sunday 16 July  at 1pm  (after a performance at the Camellia Show in the morning)   Saturday 9 September at 11am (instead of Spring Sing). Astrid, how would these suit you?    We have to wait for confirmation of event at Camellia Show.

5. Chris Meibusch Project: Chris is talking to Astrid about our involvement in more recording. It has not been finalised. An email to Chris has explained that we don’t need to purchase any more recording equipment.

6. Hobart:  

a)Catherine has had confirmation that all money and names and contact details have been received  by the organisers.

b) We will take a calico version of our corflute sign to display when doing pop-ups. (Groupie job)

c) Judy will be asked to make ‘Groupie’ badges for accompanying spouses.

d) Our latest Hobart program is attached.

e)`On Friday, mid-morning, arrange a meeting place for all choir members to have last warm-up/practice before first pop-up.

  1. Languages and Cultures Festival – Sunday 20 August.

Submission accepted by organisers.  Requested singing sessions  10.30, 11.30, 12.30 at one position , eg near main entrance.

Other date claimers and discussion topics from previous VOCE meetings:

  1. 10th Nov Jazz Club
  2. 11th Nov Joint concert with Toowoomba Vocal Ensemble
  3. Review of music director’s payments for rehearsals and performances and increase for rehearsals recommended and accounting for performances including Hobart FOV to be made.

Choirbolical Schedule at FoV  2017


Day Dates Schedule Venue Time
Friday 7th July Arrival

Lunchtime Pop-up performance

Bonfire rehearsal as arranged with Emma Porteous


 Singers’ Lounge Performance





Long Gallery








After 7:30pm

Saturday 8th July VISIT Salamanca Market

Pop-up Performance

Workshop with Paul Jarman


Rehearsal for Sharing Our Music “

Sharing Our Music


Singers’ Lounge Performance

Salamanca Market


Long Gallery


Town Hall


Town Hall


Long Gallery










After 10:00pm



Sunday 9th July Farmers Market Pop-up Performance

Sunday Afternoon Choral Concert-


 Rachmaninoff Vigil  



Town Hall



St. David’s Cathedral






Monday 10th July Lunchtime Singing- Vicky Jacobs- BE OUR GUEST! ?



Farewell Song

Town Hall








Choirbolical VOCE meeting and Minutes

A gentle reminder to All Choirbolical members:

VOCE is meeting Tuesday 28 March 6:30 @ 15 Argyle Street Toowoomba  ( Pam’s )

Everyone is welcome to participate!  It is casual and you can share ideas.

We are still formulating our performance schedule and your input is most welcome!



VOCE MEETING – 28.3.17

Present:  Lesley, Marion, Pam, Kent, Catherine

Apologies:   Dino, Chris R, Alison B, Rebecca

  1. Performances:
  1. First Coat festival:  Saturday May 20th choir will perform pop-up performances, meeting  first on lawn in front of Empire Theatre at 9 am for performances 9.30 – 11.30 am to be followed by a shared lunch in a park.  

Action:  Leslie will confirm details with organisers

  1. Tuesday 20 June- performance at Bon Amici.  Walk down after a short rehearsal.

Action:  Dino to explore possibilities.

  1. Toowoomba Performance – proposal for 22nd July.

Action:  Check with Suzie about this date as a possibility.  Canvas other performance ideas with choir.   

  1. Summer Tunes – to investigate being one of the performance groups for this at the end of the year.

Action:   Leslie to follow up.

  1. Jazz Club – possibility of September date.

Action:  Marion to follow up and let us know the outcome from Jazz Club.

  1. Cultures and Languages Festival – 20 August.   Awaiting application form.
  2. Spring Event – 9 September.   Idea to have instrumental/percussion (no experience required)  and voice workshops (Orff person & Astrid).   Target group is Choirbolical and others through word of mouth.  

Action:  Kent to check availability of Choral Hall.    Pam to inform other choirs etc.  Brian to follow up on Orff possibilities and hopefully come along to next Voce meeting

  • Big Sing:  Action: Kent to contact James or Carla to find out details.
  1. Joint concert with Elaine Coates’ choir to help with their fundraising.  Possibly joint performance again at end of year.  

Action:  Kent to contact Elaine.  

    1. Voce membership:   Kent will encourage new members to come along and help out with Voce this year as we really appreciate the new ideas and enthusiasm that newer members bring.
    2. Social activity:  Proposal is to encourage people to come along early for a coffee/glass of wine at 6 pm at Park House, commencing rehearsal 18 April
  • Fees:  looking at possibility of using current balance to cover choir members .  Action:  Action: Kent to discuss with Astrid.
  1. “You’re The Voice” – domestic violence awareness project

Action:  Kent to follow up.